Saturday, September 11, 2010

Preparations satisfactory: Gill

Sports Minister M.S. Gill on Thursday assured that all the venues for next month's Commonwealth Games would be ready soon to welcome the sportspersons from 71 countries and territories.
“The preparations for the CWG are satisfactory and we are all ready to host the Games,” Gill said on the sidelines of a function here to launch a song ‘Shera' for the mega event.
Gill said that he met Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to inform him that the Games' preparations are going on smoothly.
“After the Cabinet meeting today I met him and told him that everything is fine,” he said.
Gill also said that the Indian swimmers have started practising for the Delhi Games since Wednesday and the issues pertaining to delays in preparations have been all sorted out.
Meanwhile, the song ‘Shera', based on the mascot of the Delhi Games, is the third song that has been composed for this event.
The other two being of A.R. Rahman and Palash Sen. The Sports Minister, while speaking highly about the song 'Shera', expressed hope that the October 3-14 Games will also reflect the same amount of energy and intensity.

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